Wellness and Psychology
Frequently Asked Questions
​Is this course part of a larger, more in-depth program?
Yes. While this course is open to all and has no pre-requisites, completion of this course can count towards earning completion certificate in the Transformative Social Sciences Program.
What certifications do I earn upon successful completion of this course?
A Certificate of Completion from the Neohumanist College of Asheville, an affiliate of Ananda Marga Gurukula Network.
What are the requirements for successful completion?
Students must attend a minimum of ~80% of the online virtual classroom sessions. Students will also be required to upload all work to our Google Classroom, for 100% learning activity completion. The course syllabus is the official contract between the student and the instructor regarding expectations for successful completion.
More Questions?
Please email us at info@nhca.gurukul.edu if you have additional questions.
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